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NATURAL CHECKING Lemon juice to lighten my hair, can we really believe it?

I'm in the mood for change, but not really much: just a little bit of light change to wake up my mane. Just a touch. Brighten, but naturally without fuss. Lemon, my beautiful lemon, you to whom all the virtues are attributed, can you really lighten my hair?

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Spray lemon juice + a little water on your hair before going to the beach: it's good for blonde hair.

Wrong! Lemons do not like the sun. Lemon juice contains mostly citric acid, a natural bleaching agent that whitens and therefore lightens the hair, but is not exactly harmless. If you want to achieve beautiful golden highlights, lemon juice is far from being the most effective and safest solution. When lemon juice and sunlight are combined, a chemical reaction occurs that will dry out the hair and make it more sensitive. Citric acid attacks and opens the hair structure, making it porous and rough. The sun's rays already do this on their own! That's why you need to protect your hair from the sun, not expose it to even more. Lemon therefore worsens the effects of the sun.


Lemon juice makes hair stronger and shinier.

Wrong! Lemon can damage the hair fibre. The acidity of lemon juice will initially act like a vinegar, and on the first application, may give an impression of shine. But over time, repeated applications of citric acid will damage the hair fibre and hair. Less rich in Eumelanin, blond hair is naturally less resistant and dulls more quickly: the combined action of the sun and citric acid accelerates the depletion of melanin in the hair, dulling it.


Lemon juice helps to lighten all types of hair.

Again, it’s wrong! Lemon can do some funny things. Citric acid only works on naturally light hair: light blonde, dark blonde or chestnut. If you have dark hair, the effect will be orange at best... And on coloured hair, the application of lemon juice can tarnish your colour.


Our natural and effective advice


the best way to make your hair golden, naturally, this summer!

Rich in Agipenine, a pigment in the Flavones family, it helps to lighten blonde hair and gives beautiful natural blonde tones to medium brown hair. The natural pigments of the plant attach to the hair shaft without penetrating the hair. It is a gentle and naturally effective method of lightening hair and making blondes more vibrant.

While the results will be most noticeable on light blonde hair, you can also use it on your brown hair for beautiful golden to copper highlights. It can also be effective if you want to revive the shine of your dull hair. Chamomile is your best ally for a natural glow all summer long.

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