Hair is just like us: it needs to drink and eat to stay healthy. How to best nourish and care for dry and dehydrated hair? Natural reparative solutions exist.
Straw-like hair, hair that is dull and lacks shine, split or lighter ends, hair that is increasingly difficult to detangle after a shower... These are all signs that your hair is dry and lacks moisture.
Dry hair usually has a dull and fragile appearance, it lacks suppleness, shine and softness, it is porous and coarse to the touch and is prone to frizz.
Dry hair undergoes several stages of alteration, ranging from dryness to total deterioration of the hair. As with all hair issues, the problem is usually rooted in the scalp. The scalp doesn’t produce enough sebum via the sebaceous glands. The hair is thus weakened on the surface (the hair cuticles are damaged) and then gradually becomes more fragile on the inside (the keratin, the cell at the heart of the hair, is affected).
It can also be caused by aggressive (and repeated) actions on the lengths: colouring, excessive drying, straightening or friction (hair ties or motorbike helmets for example).
Whatever the case, we must act quickly to stop the vicious circle of hair drying out and the lack of nutrition within the hair fibre.
Some hair types are by nature more affected by dryness. But the environment or certain habits attack or weaken the hair, especially in summer.
Two types of factors cause dry, dehydrated hair that lacks nutrition:
Physiological factors such as genetics, age, curly or frizzy hair, which impact the secretion of sebum and the quality of the hydrolipidic film that protects the hair.
External factors such as the sun, wind, pollution, as well as occasional aggressions such as , heat styling, harsh dyes, etc.
As the hair is over-stressed, the secretion of protective sebum slows down or it has difficulty moving down the hair shaft (in the case of curly hair). Deprived of this natural protection, the hair dries out until its internal structure is damaged. Three key actions need to be addressed: hydration, nutrition and repair.
It is located on the scalp’s surface. It is made up of microorganisms (the saprophytic flora), which help protect the surface of the scalp, as well as the sebum. When the hydrolipidic film is damaged and weakened, this is when it can no longer play its role as a barrier against external aggression and dehydration and the hair becomes dry and dehydrated. The hair cuticles are no longer sheathed by sebum, they lift up, no longer acting as small protective tiles for the hair, and the cortex is then exposed to external aggressions.
Plants carefully selected by Klorane to treat dry hair.
The solid shampoo with mango butter is a great natural treatment: in addition to being eco-friendly, it gently cleanses and deeply nourishes hair from the first use – and smells amazing too!
Discover the richness of this precious nectar selected by Klorane for its nourishing power, ideal for repairing and hydrating dry hair deep down (it feels and smells great too!).
A good haircare routine should have 3 steps, after identifying the needs of your scalp and hair lengths.
With a bit of patience and adequate care, yes! First of all, you need to identify what the reason is. The next step is treating it kindly with some help from mother nature.